How to Make a Candle Burn Faster: Expert Tips and Tricks

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Candles have been a source of light and ambiance for centuries. Sometimes, you might need a candle to burn faster for a specific purpose. Whether you are in a hurry or experimenting, knowing how to speed up the burning process can be useful. By adjusting the environment and making small

modifications, you can significantly increase the burn rate. Proper wick maintenance and creating drafts are simple yet effective techniques. These methods not only expedite the burning but also enhance the overall candle experience. Always ensure safety while trying these methods to avoid any potential hazards.

Choosing The Right Wax

To make a candle burn faster, you need the right wax. Different waxes burn at different speeds. Knowing the types of wax and their melting points helps.

Types Of Wax

There are several kinds of wax used in candle-making. Each has unique properties. Below are the most common types:

  • Paraffin Wax: It’s popular and burns quickly. It’s easy to find.
  • Soy Wax: Burns slower than paraffin. It’s eco-friendly.
  • Beeswax: Natural and burns longer. It smells sweet.
  • Palm Wax: Creates a unique crystal-like texture. It burns slowly.

Wax Melting Points

The melting point of the wax affects burn speed. Lower melting points mean faster burns. Here’s a simple table:

Wax TypeMelting Point (°F)Burn Speed
Paraffin Wax120-160Fast
Soy Wax120-180Medium
Palm Wax140-150Slow

Choose a wax with a lower melting point. This will make your candle burn faster. For a fast-burning candle, paraffin wax is the best choice.

How to Make a Candle Burn Faster: Expert Tips and Tricks


Optimizing Wick Size

Optimizing wick size is crucial for making a candle burn faster. The wick controls the flame and affects the melt pool. Here, we explore wick materials and wick thickness to help you get the best results.

Wick Materials

Different materials make up candle wicks. Each material burns differently. Here are some common wick materials:

  • Cotton: Burns cleanly and is common in many candles.
  • Wood: Provides a unique crackling sound and burns hotter.
  • Hemp: An eco-friendly option that burns steadily.

Choosing the right material can influence how fast the candle burns. Cotton wicks are popular for their clean burn. Wood wicks burn hotter, making the candle burn faster. Hemp wicks offer a steady burn but are less common.

Wick Thickness

Wick thickness plays a vital role in the burning rate. A thicker wick provides more fuel to the flame. This results in a faster burn. Here is a simple guide:

Wick ThicknessBurn Rate
Thin WickSlower Burn
Medium WickModerate Burn
Thick WickFaster Burn

Using a thicker wick helps the candle burn faster. It allows more fuel to reach the flame. This creates a larger melt pool quicker. Adjusting the wick thickness can optimize your candle’s burn speed.

Enhancing Airflow

Enhancing airflow around your candle can make it burn faster. Proper ventilation and avoiding drafts are key aspects to achieve this. Let’s delve into some effective ways to enhance airflow for your candle.

Ventilation Tips

  • Open windows: Allow fresh air to circulate by opening windows. Fresh air helps the candle burn faster.
  • Use a fan: Place a small fan near the candle. The gentle breeze will improve airflow.
  • Avoid enclosed spaces: Burn your candle in a well-ventilated area. Enclosed spaces trap heat and reduce airflow.
  • Position near vents: Place the candle near the air vents. This can enhance airflow and speed up the burning process.

Avoiding Drafts

  • Shield the candle: Use a glass hurricane or candle holder. This will prevent drafts from disturbing the flame.
  • Close doors: Ensure doors and windows are closed. This minimizes sudden gusts of wind.
  • Stable surface: Place the candle on a stable, flat surface. This prevents wobbling and keeps the flame steady.
  • Distance from fans: Keep the candle away from strong fans. Strong airflow can extinguish the flame or cause uneven burning.

Adding Fragrance Oils

Adding fragrance oils to your candles can enhance their appeal. It can also help them burn faster. This section will cover the types of oils you can use and the proper ratios for adding them.

Oil Types

Choosing the right fragrance oil is crucial. There are several types to consider:

  • Essential Oils: Natural and derived from plants.
  • Synthetic Fragrance Oils: Man-made and can mimic any scent.

Essential oils are great for a natural scent. Synthetic oils offer more variety. Both types work well in candles.

Proper Ratios

Using the right amount of fragrance oil is important. Too much can make the candle burn poorly. Too little won’t give enough scent. Follow these guidelines:

Type of CandleAmount of Fragrance Oil
Small Candle (1-2 oz)1/4 teaspoon
Medium Candle (4-8 oz)1/2 teaspoon
Large Candle (9-16 oz)1 teaspoon

Measure the oil carefully. Use a dropper for accuracy. Mix the oil thoroughly into the melted wax. This ensures an even distribution.

Using Additives

Adding certain substances to your candle can make it burn faster. These additives can improve the burn rate and overall performance of the candle. Below, we’ll explore two types of additives: Accelerants and Stabilizers.


Accelerants help the candle burn quicker. They are added to the wax before pouring.

  • Stearic Acid: This common additive makes candles burn faster. Use 2 tablespoons per pound of wax.
  • Paraffin Wax: Mix paraffin with other wax to speed up burning. Use a 50/50 ratio for best results.
  • Rubbing Alcohol: Adding a small amount can increase burn speed. Use only a few drops per candle.


Stabilizers ensure the candle burns evenly and consistently.

  • Vybar: This additive helps the candle burn smoothly. Use 1/4 teaspoon per pound of wax.
  • Microcrystalline Wax: Adds strength and stability to the candle. Use 1-2 ounces per pound of wax.
  • Beeswax: Adding beeswax can also stabilize the candle. Use 10% beeswax to 90% other wax.

Using these additives can make your candle burn faster and more evenly. Experiment with different combinations to find the best results.

Trimming The Wick

One effective way to make a candle burn faster is by trimming the wick. A properly trimmed wick ensures an even burn, reduces soot, and minimizes wasted wax. This simple yet essential step can significantly impact the candle’s performance.

Ideal Length

The ideal length of a candle wick is crucial. Generally, a wick should be trimmed to about 1/4 inch before each use. This length ensures a steady flame and helps the candle burn efficiently. If the wick is too long, it can cause the candle to burn unevenly and produce excess soot.

Trimming Tools

Using the right trimming tools is important for achieving the perfect wick length. Here are some common tools:

  • Wick Trimmer: Specifically designed for trimming wicks, these tools have a long handle and angled blades.
  • Scissors: Regular scissors can also work but may not reach deep into the candle.
  • Nail Clippers: A handy alternative, especially for small candles.

Each tool has its advantages. Wick trimmers are ideal for deep jars, while scissors and nail clippers are great for smaller candles.

ToolBest For
Wick TrimmerDeep jars
ScissorsGeneral use
Nail ClippersSmall candles

By consistently trimming the wick to the ideal length using appropriate tools, you ensure a faster and cleaner burn for your candle.

Preheating The Candle

Preheating a candle can make it burn faster. This simple trick saves you time. It also ensures an even burn. Let’s explore how to preheat a candle effectively.

Preheating Methods

There are different methods to preheat your candle. Each method has its own benefits. Here are some common ways:

  • Using a Hairdryer: Hold a hairdryer near the candle’s surface. Blow warm air for a few minutes.
  • Placing Near a Heater: Put the candle near a heater for 5-10 minutes. Ensure it is not too close.
  • Warming in an Oven: Set your oven to a low temperature. Place the candle inside for a few minutes.

Temperature Guidelines

Preheating requires the right temperature. Too much heat can damage the candle. Follow these temperature guidelines:

MethodRecommended TemperatureTime
HairdryerLow to Medium2-3 minutes
HeaterRoom Temperature5-10 minutes
Oven150°F (65°C)2-5 minutes

Always monitor the candle while preheating. Avoid overheating to prevent accidents.

How to Make a Candle Burn Faster: Expert Tips and Tricks


Avoiding Tunneling

Understanding how to avoid tunneling is crucial for efficient candle burning. Tunneling occurs when a candle burns straight down the middle, leaving wasted wax on the sides.

Proper Burning Techniques

Ensuring a complete melt pool is key to avoiding tunneling. Always allow the candle to burn until the melted wax reaches the edge of the container. This usually takes about 1-2 hours, depending on the candle size.

Trim the wick before each burn to about 1/4 inch. A long wick can cause uneven burning and tunneling.

Avoid drafts and wind. Place your candle in a draft-free area to ensure even burning.

Preventive Measures

Using a candle warmer can help in achieving a complete melt pool. This device heats the candle from the bottom, preventing tunneling.

Aluminum foil trick: Wrap a piece of aluminum foil around the top of the candle. Leave an opening at the center. This helps to trap heat, causing the wax to melt evenly.

Rotate your candle occasionally while burning. This ensures that the heat spreads evenly.

Proper Burn TimeAllow wax to melt to the edge.
Wick TrimmingKeep wick at 1/4 inch.
Draft-Free AreaPlace candle away from drafts.
Candle WarmerHeats from bottom to prevent tunneling.
Aluminum FoilWrap foil to trap heat.
Rotate CandleEnsures even heat distribution.

Maintaining Candle Health

To make a candle burn faster, you must ensure it stays healthy. Proper storage and regular maintenance play a crucial role in this process.

Storage Tips

Store your candles in a cool, dry place. Heat can warp the candle shape. Avoid direct sunlight as it can discolor the wax. Use airtight containers to keep dust away.

  • Keep away from heat sources
  • Avoid direct sunlight
  • Use airtight containers

Regular Maintenance

Trim the wick before each use. A shorter wick reduces soot and helps the candle burn evenly. Remove any debris from the wax pool. This ensures a clean burn and faster melting.

  1. Trim the wick
  2. Remove debris
  3. Check for even burning

Burn the candle for shorter periods. Long burns create deep wax pools that can slow down the process. Use a candle snuffer to extinguish the flame. Blowing it out can create smoke and soot.

Follow these tips to maintain your candle’s health and enjoy a faster burn.

Safety Precautions

Making a candle burn faster can be fun. But, safety should always come first. Candles can cause fires if not handled properly. Let’s look at some safety tips.

Handling Candles Safely

Always place your candle on a heat-resistant surface. Keep it away from flammable items like curtains or paper. Trim the wick to 1/4 inch before lighting. This helps control the flame.

Never leave a burning candle unattended. Put the candle out before going to bed or leaving the room. Keep candles out of reach of children and pets.

Trim the wickPlace near flammable items
Use a heat-resistant surfaceLeave unattended
Keep away from children and petsMove a lit candle

Emergency Measures

In case of a fire, stay calm. Use a fire extinguisher to put out small fires. For larger fires, call the fire department immediately.

If you have no extinguisher, use baking soda to smother the fire. Never use water on a candle fire. It can cause the wax to splatter and spread the fire.

  • Stay calm
  • Use a fire extinguisher
  • Call the fire department for large fires
  • Use baking soda, not water
How to Make a Candle Burn Faster: Expert Tips and Tricks


Frequently Asked Questions

What Makes A Candle Burn Faster?

A candle burns faster due to increased oxygen flow or higher ambient temperature.

Can Adding Salt Make A Candle Burn Faster?

No, adding salt to a candle does not make it burn faster. It may actually slow the burn.

Does Trimming The Wick Help?

Yes, trimming the wick helps the candle burn more efficiently and can speed up the burning process.

Will Using A Thinner Wick Help?

Yes, using a thinner wick can make a candle burn faster as it draws less wax.

Does The Type Of Wax Affect Burn Speed?

Yes, different wax types burn at different rates. Paraffin wax burns faster than soy wax.

Can Increasing Room Temperature Affect Burn Time?

Yes, a warmer room can cause the candle to burn faster by melting the wax more quickly.

Do Scented Candles Burn Faster?

Scented candles may burn slightly faster due to added chemicals, but the difference is usually minimal.

Does Candle Size Matter?

Yes, smaller candles generally burn faster than larger ones due to their smaller wax volume.

Will Placing A Candle In A Drafty Area Help?

Yes, increased airflow can make a candle burn faster by supplying more oxygen to the flame.

Is Using Multiple Wicks Effective?

Yes, candles with multiple wicks burn faster as they generate more heat and melt the wax quicker.


Mastering the art of making a candle burn faster can be quite rewarding. By following simple tips, you can optimize burn time efficiently. Remember to always prioritize safety while experimenting. Enjoy the enhanced ambiance and quicker results from your candles.

Share these tips with friends and elevate your candle-burning experience.

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